Does it seem like your Air Compressor is always requiring service?

Common Symptoms

Common Causes 

Producing more water than air

My tools and equipment are failing

Air Dryer
Oversize Air Compressor
No Drip Legs
Poorly Designed Air System
Undsersized air dryers

Air compressor runs constantly

Undersized Air Compressor
Small Storage Tank
Improper Air Regulation
Undersized Air Pipe
Air Leaks
Large Pressure Drip

Whenever I use a tool, the compressor starts up

Improper Air Regulation
Small Storage Tank
Undersized Air Pipe
Large Pressure Drop

I used to have 125 PSI, now its more like 100 PSI

Tools farther from the compressor have less power

Large Pressure Drop
Undersized Air Pipe & Tubing
Undersized Air Filters
Undersized Air Dryer
Corroded Pipe
Too Many Bends in The System

Compressor shuts off and needs to be reset frequently

Air Compressor Room is Poorly Ventilated

Air Compressor is Located in a Very Dusty Environment

I keep changing the motor

Voltage is Not Consistent (Very Common in The New York Metro Area)

Why is my electricity bill so large?

Air Leaks
Oversize Air Compressor and Dryer
Improper Pressure Regulation
Small Storage Tank
Large Pressure Drop
Undersized Air Filters